The module allows you to create bots using BotFather.
To create bots, you will need accounts on which tokens will be created in BotFather and therefore the bots themselves.
Item 1. You can select multiple tabs, each tab has its own settings, its own database and its own method with accounts and bot creation.
Item 2. Duplicate tabs. You can mass duplicate tabs with your settings to work.
Item 3. Lock. Restrict accidental closing of a tab.
Item 4. Restore. Restores active (working) tabs if you accidentally click on the cross (close tab) icon.
Item 5. One username to one name. This option means that the first one will refer to the first from the common list, the second one to the second from the common list.
Item 6. Usernames type: - random - the software creates them by itself; - from the list of your usernames (see item 8).
Item 7. Types of created bot names - random - the software creates names by itself; - from your list (see item 9)
Item 10. Bot design. Enter a description and an avatar.
Item 11. Commands. List of commands that are displayed on the left side of the bot. They are not obligatory, but may be useful for someone.
Item 12. Description directly in the bot itself before launching, with or without a picture.
Item 13. Parameter template with a function to save all settings.
Item 14. Wait for flood. Temporary Telegram restriction on token creation.
Item 15. Create from account (0 for Disabled; -1 - do not create new bots). Specify here the total limit of bots created per account.
Item 16. Limit of bots created (0 for Disabled). Specify here the total created bots limit, after reaching which the software stops working.
Item 17. - Inline mode. Allows users to interact with the bot without clicking on the "Start" or "Begin" button. - Enable to add the bot to a group. Inviting the bot to groups is enabled. - Safe mode. The bot responds to commands of the format "/start@thisbot...", without safe mode it handles all incoming commands. - Collects all account tokens. Collects all tokens.
Item 18. The bot's permissions to manage the group.
Item 19. The bot's permissions to control the channel.
Item 20. Link via TelegramOauth to work in authorized websites. Necessary for authorization on third-party sites.
Item 21. Link by clicking on the "menu" button. Enter the link address here.
Item 22. Usertag (aka username). After all actions are completed, the bot owner will be sent to this usertag.
Item 23. Type of uploading the module results.
Item 24. Delay between creations. Random timeout between bot creations (from-to).
Item 25. Number of threads. Number of simultaneous bot creation actions per account (one thread equals one account).
Item 26. Delay before threads start. Random timeout between thread starts (from-to).
Item 27. Select accounts. Select accounts to operate on.
Item 28.Start bot creation. Starts the bot creation process