
Section"Setting Reoperations"

This module allows to set different reoperations to posts (emoji), if the post settings allow it
Item 1: You can select multiple tabs, each tab has its own settings and links for reoperations (different topics, for example).

Item 2. Duplicate tabs - you can mass duplicate tabs with a selection of your settings to work with

Item 3. Lock - prevent accidental closing of a tab

Item 4. Restore - restores ACTIVE (working) tabs if you accidentally click on the cross (closing tab) of the software.

Item 5. Here you can select either one or many emoticons. If you select more than one, they will be placed in random order.

Item 6. Settings template - you can set the settings and save them, the next time you work you can choose the saved template, so that you don't have to enter all the settings again

Item 7. Box for public links ( using @) - links to which reoperations will be placed.
Item 8. Box for invitation links ( using - links to which reoperations will be placed.

Item 9. Number of previous posts to set reoperations - you can specify the number of previous posts, which are still in the source, to set reoperations.

Item 10. How many reoperations to set from one account - how many reoperations to set from one account ( one reaction means one post).

Item 11. Wait for flood - wait if the account gets a temporary restriction (not to be confused with spamblock).

Item 12. Reaction limit - total limit for the whole justification of reoperations in this tab, if this limit is reached, the software terminates work in this tab.

Item 13. Failures per account - the number of posts, groups, channels or bots not found, if this limit is reached, the software terminates the work in this tab.

Item 14. Stop at spamblock - number of simultaneous spamblocks on accounts, if simultaneous spamblocks are reached, the software terminates in this tab.

Item 15. Delay between sending - randomized timeout between sending (from - to).

Item 16. Number of threads - simultaneous operations with accounts ( one thread means one account).

Item 17. Delay before threads start - each thread starts in a randomized delay (from - to)

Item 18. Select accounts - select accounts for reaction setup

Item 19. Start reaction setup - starts work with accounts
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