The module allows you to parse comments in channels (from posts) or messages in groups (relevant if groups have private user lists and administrators are displayed only).

Item 1: Parsing:
- Chats (indispensable for private chats where only admins are visible in the list of participants)
- of comments (for channels, under posts in which comments are available)
- Chats (indispensable for private chats where only admins are visible in the list of participants)
- of comments (for channels, under posts in which comments are available)

- of message content (if the message contains some contact information, the software will parse them).

1) Phone numbers parsing
2) Usernames parsing
3) Phone numbers + usernames parsing
Item 2: Settings template - you can set the settings and save them, the next time you work you can select the saved template so that you don't have to enter all the settings again
Item 3: Box for links that will be subject to parsing
Item 4. Pars everyone - parses absolutely everyone (except for deleted accounts and bots).
Item 5. Additional premium status - you can parse only premium status, or everyone except premium status
Item 6. Parsing statuses - when a person was online on Telegram.
Item 7. Parsing roles - what role a person has in a particular chat room.
Item 8. Additional - parses only avatars (don't forget that people can hide their avatars from people who are not their contact list).
Item 9. Parsing users:
- Username or ID
- Username
- ID
- first name + last name of the account
*If a person doesn't have a username, Telegram assigns numbers (ID) to them.
Item 10. Add link to donor group - saves settings to make ID work easier
Item 11: Parsing mode:
2) Usernames parsing
3) Phone numbers + usernames parsing
Item 2: Settings template - you can set the settings and save them, the next time you work you can select the saved template so that you don't have to enter all the settings again
Item 3: Box for links that will be subject to parsing
Item 4. Pars everyone - parses absolutely everyone (except for deleted accounts and bots).
Item 5. Additional premium status - you can parse only premium status, or everyone except premium status
Item 6. Parsing statuses - when a person was online on Telegram.
Item 7. Parsing roles - what role a person has in a particular chat room.
Item 8. Additional - parses only avatars (don't forget that people can hide their avatars from people who are not their contact list).
Item 9. Parsing users:
- Username or ID
- Username
- ID
- first name + last name of the account
*If a person doesn't have a username, Telegram assigns numbers (ID) to them.
Item 10. Add link to donor group - saves settings to make ID work easier
Item 11: Parsing mode:

- By number of posts: collects members for a certain number of posts
- By post date: collects members for a certain period of time.
- By keyword: collects members who have used a specified keyword.
- By post date: collects members for a certain period of time.
- By keyword: collects members who have used a specified keyword.
Item 12. Parse groups/channels from an account - How many groups/channels to parse from one account
Item 13. Delay between parsing - random timeout between sending requests (from-to)
Item 14. Wait for flood mark (0-off) - wait if account gets temporarily restriction (not to be confused with spamblock)
Item 15. Exit groups/channel after parsing - accounts leave the source after parsing
Item 16. Number of threads - simultaneous operations with accounts (one thread means one account)
Item 17. Delay before threads start
Item 18. Delay before threads start - means that each thread will be started within the specified time (0-0 means that all threads are started at once)
Item 19. Select accounts - you need to select accounts to work with
Item 20. Start parser - starts the parsing process
Item 13. Delay between parsing - random timeout between sending requests (from-to)
Item 14. Wait for flood mark (0-off) - wait if account gets temporarily restriction (not to be confused with spamblock)
Item 15. Exit groups/channel after parsing - accounts leave the source after parsing
Item 16. Number of threads - simultaneous operations with accounts (one thread means one account)
Item 17. Delay before threads start
Item 18. Delay before threads start - means that each thread will be started within the specified time (0-0 means that all threads are started at once)
Item 19. Select accounts - you need to select accounts to work with
Item 20. Start parser - starts the parsing process