
Section "Mailer"

Mailer is the most voluminous module. There are many variations of Telegram mailings in it
Item 1: You can select multiple tabs, each tab has its own settings and database, and its own way of working with accounts

Item 2. Duplicate tabs - You can mass duplicate tabs with a selection of your settings to work with

Item 3. Lock - prevents accidental closing of tabs
Item 4. Restore - restores ACTIVE (working) tabs if you accidentally click on the cross (closing tab) of the software.

Item 5. Settings template - you can set the settings and save them, next time you work with the software you can choose the saved template, so that you don't have to enter all the settings again

Item 6: Send welcome message - sends the first welcome message before the main mailing message is sent. It simulates a dialog with your target audience.
Item 7: Mailing mode:
- Text message (as on the screenshot above)

- Repost from channel (sends post from channel) - you need to create a channel with public username, then publish material there and right click on "copy link to post", you will get a link with channel username and post ID. You paste this link into the software and select the "Repost from channel" option
- Repost with private channel creation - sends a post from the channel, just like a regular repost and the method of creation is the same, but the software automatically recreates the channel and makes a repost from your channel to its channel, and then sends it to your audience)

- Edit post (sends the first post, after which it is edited into another post you specify)
*1 - Edit after each send - edited after each sent message
*2 - Edit after sending from one account - edited after total sending from one account

- Sticker mailing (to do this you need to insert a link to the stickers)
Item 8: Working with all kinds of media files

- How much media to send from one account: how much media an account will send in one message (gallery)
- How many times to send media from one account: how many times one account will send the same media, after which it will not be taken (0 means it will be taken all the time).
- Send all media: sends all media at once from the uploaded media.
Item 9. Scheduled messages - the account sends a message, but it will reach the recipient only on the date and time you specify (scheduled posting).

Item 10. Secret chats - the account creates a secret chat with user and sends them a message.
This method has both pros and cons

+ The chat hits the top positions among all of the user's messages
+ Green color of the message attracts attention
+ The user receives a notification that a "secret chat has been created" with him, so his interest is piqued
+ The message cannot be deleted (the user simply cannot delete it or remove it by moving it).


- The user will only see the message from his phone (iOS/Andoid) or Mac/iMac (Apple). If his account is only on Windows PC or web Telegram (via browser), the message will not be delivered
- You can send 5 messages every 10 minutes from one account (limit by Telegram).
- User must be online, if they are not online, the message will not be delivered.
Item 11: Silent message - the user will receive your message, but will not see the message notification pop-up window. They will notice the message only when they go to Telegram or are in it at the moment when you send the message to them. You can set the probability of sending a silent message in percentage (the "probability theory" method). The option works if you have the checkbox activated and set the probability value in percent (100 for every silent message sent). If the checkbox is not activated, the silent message will not be sent

Item 12: Pin message - the user will receive your message and will also see an additional notification that someone has pinned the message. You can set the probability of the message being pinned in percentage (the "probability theory" method). The option works if you have the checkbox activated and set the probability value in percent (100 for every message to be pinned), if the checkbox is not activated, the messages will not be pinned.
Item 13: Type of mailing:
- Personal message mailing
- Group mailing
- Cyclic mailing to groups (the difference from regular mailing to groups is that in cyclic mailing the sending will take place constantly, thus auto-posting the same offer).
- Posting to channels (to posts where comments are open).
You can mail to specific posts in the channel or to all posts in the channel (you need to specify how many posts to autopost).
You can choose one account for one channel (for all posts), or one account for one post in one channel, or the 3rd option: all accounts post to each channel for all posts that you have specified
- Cyclic mailing to posts in a channel (similar to cyclic mailing to groups, only to posts in channels).
- Topic mailing (this mailing allows you to send to specific threads (topics) in a group).
Cyclic mailing to topics (similar to cyclic mailing to groups and channels)
Item 14: Recipient list - you need to insert the base for mailing. Its type depends on what and where you are going to send. So, for example, if you will send information in personal messages to people, you need a database of usernames, phone numbers or IDs. If you will be sending information in the form of posts to groups or channels, you will need links to the necessary groups or channels.

Item 15: Recipient selection mode:
- username
- phone numbers
- phone numbers + usernames (e.g., database after number checking)
- ID (for ID only you also need to provide a link to the group where these people are from)
- username + ID
Item 16: How many messages to send from one account - how many messages to set from one account.

Item 17. Move account when flood - this feature will automatically move the account to a separate folder when it gets a flood or spamblock to let it dormant.

Item 18. Wait for flood (0-off) - wait if the account gets a temporary restriction (not to be confused with spamblock).

Item 19. Wait for slow mode (0-off) - maximum wait if the chat has a limit of one message every n-th number of seconds.

Item 20. Message limit (0-off) - total limit for all messages in this tab, if this limit is reached, the software terminates the work in this tab.
Item 21. Failures per account (0- off) - number of users not found, if this limit is reached, the software terminates the work in this tab.

Item 22. Stop at spamblock (0- off) - number of simultaneous spamblocks on accounts, if there are simultaneous spamblocks, the software terminates this tab to save other accounts from spamblocks.

Item 23: Ignore Too Many Request error - how many Too Many Requests errors EVERY account will ignore. This is kind of a workaround to the "flooding over the limit, after 3 text messages" restriction (update from Telegram on tightening spam)

Item 24: Delay between sending - randomized timeout between sending (from-to)

Item 25: Fast sending - a method that allows you to send even faster. The method ignores internal pauses in the software. Use with caution, it can lead to bans / floods / spamblocks on accounts.

Item 26: Number of threads - simultaneous operations with accounts ( one thread means one account).

Item 27. Delay before threads start - means that each thread will be started within the specified time (0-0 means that all threads will be started at once).

Item 28. Reaction setting - the user will receive your message and will also see that a reaction (emoji) has been set to the message. You can set the probability of setting a reaction in percentage (method of "probability theory"). If you have activated the checkbox and set the probability value in percent (100 for every message with emoji set), if the checkbox is not activated, no reaction will be set. You can select several or more reoperations, so they will be assigned in random order.

In this autoresponder you can choose the plot of the dialog so that your accounts communicate with your target audience, and the target audience may not realize that bots (accounts) are communicating with them, not live people.

The autoresponder works only for sending personal messages (Dms)
Item 29. Off - slider for enabling the autoresponder (if the slider is active, it will be purple in color, as on the screenshot above)

Item 30. Autoresponder mode:
- Mailing, then autoresponder: accounts send out first, then listen to responses from those to whom the messages were sent (but if at the time of mailing, one of the users responded, the accounts will see this, respond to them via autoresponder and then start mailing (if the limit for each account has not yet been set).
- Autoresponder only: accounts do not send out, but listen immediately (can be used as a method of group mailing, for example, autoresponder is enabled for listening in advance, another tab is group mailing and in the sent post specify @username of the account or accounts that are already listening to autoresponder messages - there are many variants for unique use!)
Item 31. Ignore mass messages from 1 user - if during the autoresponder someone spams a lot of monotonous messages to your account, the software realizes that it is spam and stops replying to him or her

Item 32. Switch account when flooding - if an account has caught temporary flood (restriction), the software stops working with this account, so as not to take it to the ban (because if you try to send a message many times when flooding an account, Telegram can block this account).

Item 33. Reply to the message quoting - the account does not just reply, but quotes the message of your target audience and responds to it with an answer

Item 34. Wait for flood (0-off) - wait if the account gets a temporary restriction (not to be confused with spamblock).

Item 35. Delay between sends - random timeout between sends (from-do)

Item 36. The autoresponder ignores these word combinations - a kind of black list, if there are words or sentences in this section, the software will not reply to the corresponding message from the user.

Item 37. Use criterion - a unique thing, thanks to which you can build a full-fledged dialog. Here is an example. You specify, say, the criterion "not interesting" (you can specify several or more). If the user writes this phrase in response, you can now send him a certain text and thus work on his objection to motivate him to make a deal. If no criteria is specified, accounts will respond to all messages sent to you by the user.
If you don't have any criteria specified, the blocks will be activated sequentially (responses from blocks for users).
If you have one criterion or more specified and there are blocks with no criteria, then if a user replies and hits a criterion, the block with the criterion will take response priority
Item 38. Method of sending to an autoresponder:
You can send a text message, a repost from your channel, some pre-created post or posts

Creating a communication plot:
You can create a large number of blocks (there are no limits) to communicate with your target audience and thus, build a complete and extended communication. The method is really the very uniquest.

To start the whole process of mailing you will need to click on the "Start Mailing" button after you have configured everything and selected accounts
2024-02-13 19:02 Centurion