
Section "Removing a spamblock from an account"

This module will allow you to remove restrictions (spamblock) from accounts by writing an appeal to Telegram support.
Item 1. You can select several tabs, each tab has its own text and accounts. Each tab is a kind of sandbox.

Item 2: Mask - needed to randomize the text, if you want, you can add your own letters to it or leave it as it is in the software. It is necessary for randomization of letters in sentences.

Item 3: To save the mask (if you have changed it), you need to save it.

Item 4: In this block we write text that we can convert to the mask from item 2 for randomization.

Item 5. Here we can click on generate an example (this example will be sent to Telegram support).

Item 6. Streams are simultaneous actions, for example, 10 streams means 10 simultaneous accounts.

Item 7. Delay before threads start - means that each thread will be started within the specified time (0-0 means that all of them will be started at once).
Item 8. Delay between account requests is necessary to ensure that the sending will be with the specified timing, for example, one account sends an appeal, the 2nd account waits for 40 seconds and then sends the same and so on (0-0 means that the sending will go without delay).

Item 9. Here you select the accounts that will send the appeal to support.

Item 10. To start you need to click on the green start button.
2024-02-13 19:59 Optional Modules