The "Booster" module (aka "Tweaker") allows you to gain posts view counts ("eyes") in your channels.

Item 1: You can select several tabs, each tab has its own settings and its own database of links for boosting
Item 2. Duplicate tabs - you can mass duplicate tabs with your settings to work with.
Item 3. Lock - prevents accidental closing of a tab
Item 4. Restore - restores ACTIVE (working) tabs if you accidentally click on the cross (closing tab) of the software
Item 5. Set channel link for viewing (links can be with @, without @ or invitational
Item 6. Settings template - you can set the settings and save a template, the next time you work you will be able to select the already saved template and not to set it again.
Item 2. Duplicate tabs - you can mass duplicate tabs with your settings to work with.
Item 3. Lock - prevents accidental closing of a tab
Item 4. Restore - restores ACTIVE (working) tabs if you accidentally click on the cross (closing tab) of the software
Item 5. Set channel link for viewing (links can be with @, without @ or invitational
Item 6. Settings template - you can set the settings and save a template, the next time you work you will be able to select the already saved template and not to set it again.
Item 7. Post selection mode:

- Recent posts: posts that have been published within a couple of days
- Pinned posts: pinned published posts.
- Specific post: you must specify the post or posts ID (you need to right click on the post itself and copy its link, the numbers at the end of the link are the post ID).
- All posts: all posts in the channel will be viewed
- Pinned posts: pinned published posts.
- Specific post: you must specify the post or posts ID (you need to right click on the post itself and copy its link, the numbers at the end of the link are the post ID).
- All posts: all posts in the channel will be viewed
Item 8. Number of posts (activated in "Recent posts" and "Pinned posts") - how many posts to mark as viewed posts
Item 9. Booster mode:
Item 9. Booster mode:

- All accounts view selected posts - means that each of your accounts will "view" the specified post
- Each post is viewed by one account - one account "views" one post
- Each post is viewed by one account - one account "views" one post
Item 10. Delay between boosts - randomized timeout between requests to view posts (from - to)
Item 11. Number of threads - simultaneous operations with accounts (one thread means one account)
Item 12. Delay before threads start - means that each thread will be started within the specified time (0-0 means that accounts are started all at the same time).
Item 14. Start the booster - starts the work.
Item 11. Number of threads - simultaneous operations with accounts (one thread means one account)
Item 12. Delay before threads start - means that each thread will be started within the specified time (0-0 means that accounts are started all at the same time).
Item 14. Start the booster - starts the work.